India Ndc Paris Agreement

India’s NDC under the Paris Agreement: A Closer Look

The Paris Agreement, signed in 2015, is a landmark agreement among nations to combat climate change. Under the agreement, countries pledged to limit their greenhouse gas emissions and keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. Each country submitted its nationally determined contribution (NDC), which outlines its emission reduction targets, mitigation strategies, and adaptation measures.

India, the world`s third-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, submitted its NDC in 2016. Let`s take a closer look at India`s pledges, goals, and progress towards achieving them.

India`s NDC Pledges

India`s NDC is ambitious and comprehensive, covering all major sectors of the economy. Its key pledges include:

1. To reduce the emission intensity of its GDP by 33-35% by 2030 from 2005 levels.

2. To achieve 40% cumulative installed capacity of electricity from non-fossil fuel-based energy resources by 2030.

3. To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tons of CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030.

These three pledges are the backbone of India`s climate action plan and align with its sustainable development goals. India`s NDC also includes sectoral targets for agriculture, industry, transport, and waste management.

India`s NDC Goals

India`s NDC goals are to address climate change through sustainable development while preserving the country`s growth momentum. The key goals of India`s NDC are:

1. To ensure energy security for its citizens while generating clean and affordable energy.

2. To create employment opportunities and improve the quality of life for its citizens by promoting sustainable development.

3. To enhance its resilience to climate change impacts, particularly on vulnerable communities.

India`s NDC also highlights the importance of international cooperation and technology transfer for achieving its goals.

India`s NDC Progress

India has made significant progress towards achieving its NDC goals. Some key examples are:

1. India has already achieved 38% of its renewable energy target of 175 GW by 2022.

2. India`s emission intensity has decreased by 24% from 2005 levels as of 2016.

3. India has increased its forest and tree cover by 15,000 sq km from 2015 to 2017.

India`s progress towards achieving its NDC is commendable, but there are still some challenges. For example, India`s emissions are expected to rise in the future due to its growing economy and population. India also faces the challenge of financing its climate actions, particularly in the renewable energy sector.


India`s NDC under the Paris Agreement is ambitious and comprehensive, covering all major sectors of the economy. India has made significant progress towards achieving its NDC goals, but there are still challenges to overcome. India`s climate actions are crucial not just for India but for the world to achieve its climate goals. India`s commitment to sustainable development is an inspiration for other developing countries to follow.

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